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The 2015 AMMCS Kolmogorov-Wiener Prize for Young Researchers was awarded to Dr. Benjamin Adcock of Simon Fraser University

The 2015 AMMCS Kolmogorov-Wiener Prize for Young Researchers was awarded to Dr. Benjamin Adcock of Simon Fraser University for his interdisciplinary work in mathematics centered on sampling theory and compressed sensing.

Congratulations, Ben!

Award citation: Benjamin Adcock received his PhD from the University of Cambridge in 2010. After his graduation, he received NSERC and PIMS Postdoctoral Fellowships and was carrying his research at Simon Fraser University. In 2012 he joined Purdue University as an Assistant Professor. Since August 2014 he is on the faculty of mathematics at Simon Fraser University. Dr. Adcock’s research interests include applied and computational harmonic analysis, sampling theory, compressed sensing, as well as approximation theory and numerical analysis. He made original significant contributions to sampling theory and compressed sensing which have potential applications in the areas ranging from medical imaging to geophysical signal processing. At the time of the award, he has published twenty journal publications, most of which are in the top tier journals of his field. Dr. Adcock’s work bridges the gap between theory and practice by developing and applying highly innovative mathematical tools.